Category: AGM Renovations Review

Underrated Home Upgrades That Make a Big Difference

AGM Renovations reviews

Enjoying being inside a home is one of the main reasons to renovate it. However, that’s quickly followed (and sometimes surpassed) by the idea of increasing ROIs through improvements. To generate as much profit as possible, choosing the right renovations is vital.

Whether it’s painting the walls a neutral tone or completely modifying the bathroom, AGM Renovations reviews that some projects have a better chance of recouping or making money than others.

A Fresh Coat of Paint

Paint offers jaw-dropping results without massive capital investment. Not to mention it’s quite easy to do, provided the right materials are to hand.

Deciding on a color can be tricky. However, pale, pastel yellow homes are reportedly selling for more money than others. The reason? Well, several:

  • Visual Appeal: Yellow is a bright and vibrant color that stands out and attracts attention. It can make a home appear more cheerful, inviting, and visually appealing, which can be appealing to potential buyers.
  • Psychological Impact: Colors can have a psychological impact on people’s emotions and perceptions. Yellow is often associated with happiness, positivity, and warmth, which can create a positive impression on buyers and make them feel more comfortable and optimistic about the property.
  • Unique and Memorable: Yellow homes are less common compared to traditional neutral colors like white or beige. This uniqueness can make the property more memorable to potential buyers, helping it stand out in a crowded real estate market.
  • Curb Appeal: The color of a home’s exterior can significantly impact its curb appeal. A well-maintained yellow exterior can make the property look well-cared-for and aesthetically pleasing, attracting more buyers.
  • Historical and Cultural Significance: In some cultures, yellow is considered a lucky or auspicious color, which can influence buyers’ preferences. Additionally, certain architectural styles or historical periods may have popularized the use of yellow in-home design, adding to its appeal.
  • Trendy and Modern: Yellow-colored homes may be perceived as more modern and trendy, especially when paired with contemporary architectural designs and features.
  • Psychological Pricing: Some sellers use color psychology in marketing and pricing strategies. For example, a yellow home with a slightly lower price may be perceived as a better deal or a more affordable option compared to homes with more conventional colors.

It’s important to note that color preferences can vary. While yellow homes may be popular in one area, other colors may be preferred elsewhere. Ultimately, the success of selling a home depends on various factors, including location, pricing, condition, and overall market demand, in addition to the color of the exterior.

Naturally, a fresh coat of paint becomes less of a money-saving, high ROI-providing activity when using professionals.

AGM Renovations

Kitchen Renovations

Kitchen remodels can net as much as 77% of the cost, so it’s really a no-brainer. That said, homeowners should avoid making highly personal design choices if they’re primarily renovating to improve their sale price.

Potential buyers appreciate that somebody else did all the dirty work — renovations are not always a walk in the park, after all. But sticking with top-quality fixtures (e.g., granite countertops and stainless-steel appliances) is essential to avoid inhibiting sale prices.

Although, owners of smaller homes won’t recoup the costs of installing fancy ranges or other appliances. Instead, try to upgrade the present appliances with electrostatic paint and repaint the cabinets for maximum impact.

Bathroom Renovations

Bathroom renovations can provide returns in the 57% to 64% range, as long as people avoid anything that’s too trendy.

Classic features should be prioritized over of-the-moment additions to appeal to buyers of a traditional and contemporary aesthetics.

Interestingly, there isn’t a need to splurge on top-of-the-range fixtures. According to some designers, a Jacuzzi tub isn’t going to make or break a sale. Homeowners should prioritize quick touch-ups rather than going all-out unless they plan to stay and enjoy their latest creation for a year or two.

Expert Tips for a Successful Home Renovation Project

AGM Renovations Reviews

There’s no denying that home renovations are exciting and rewarding. After all, they allow people to add value to their properties and achieve their dream aesthetic. However, it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Home renovations can be daunting and have many road bumps if not properly planned for.

Luckily, AGM Renovations reports that common mistakes can be avoided by following the expert tips provided below.

It’s Important to Plan and Prioritize

House remodeling projects should always begin with a clear goal. Defining the scope of the renovation gives homeowners the opportunity to identify areas requiring the most attention. Plus, it can help during the process, when remaining focused is a necessity.

The reason for the modifications will determine the prioritization. Those who are redesigning before selling will benefit more from classic additions than personal touches.

Don’t Rush the Planning

Rushing through the aforementioned planning stage can completely derail a project and cause costly mistakes. Thus, homeowners must be thorough, taking all the time they need to accurately assess their needs and preferences, make a thought-out budget, and plan layouts.

Double-checking material selections, colors, and measurements is a good idea to ensure everything aligns perfectly.

It’s Important to Choose the Right Contractor

The right contractor respects budgets, works with reliable suppliers, and minimizes the risks of accidents. The team at AGM Renovations specializes in bathroom remodels and exceeds even these high expectations.

For instance, the crew guarantee timelines. While this may seem far-fetched for those who have completed renovations before, AGM Renovations don’t lie. And to prove their commitment, they pay clients $100 for every working day they’re late, provided there aren’t any scope changes during the project.

On top of that, they offer a five-year unlimited warranty in an effort to prove their work and the materials they use are the industry’s best.

Last but certainly not least, they price-match competitors’ quotes, as long as the other company puts the statement in writing.

The right contractor can save many headaches, a bunch of time, and (potentially) a lot of money.

AGM Renovations

It’s Isn’t Always Best to DIY Everything

Some homeowners argue that the key to saving money is through DIY. It’s an admirable way of thinking, but trades exist for a reason — not everybody can do everything, especially when it comes to structural changes, plumbing, and electrical work.

Undertaking complex projects without the expertise or proper tools often leads to expensive mistakes.

Invest in the Right Materials

Quality materials are crucial for successful renovations. Top-notch materials not only improve the overall appearance and value of the property, but they also guarantee it’ll withstand the test of time.

While it’s tempting to save costs by choosing cheaper materials, this will only damage bank accounts in the long run.

Don’t Cheap Out on Structural Repairs

If renovating involves structural repairs, don’t go for the cheapest option. Addressing such problems is vital for the stability and safety of the property. So, investing in professional repairs is a must for the property’s long-standing structural integrity.